Storage as customer service
Outsourcing of the high capital lockup to the supplier
A very important aspect of your value chain comes in form of delivery times of your suppliers. If there’s a discrepancy between previously discussed delivery times and real delivery times it can cause problems for your company. The raw component procurement is a common issue in this area. Like every company, we’re also affected of this dilemma. Delivery times of raw components can raise up to a number of weeks.
A possible reason can be the procurement of raw glass.
Storage – to get out of this dilemma – often comes with a high capital lockup. This can cause serious problems in small companies, because of low levels of liquidity as a result of high capital lockup.
Another important aspect of sourcing are differentiating price structures in relation to purchase quantities. Large purchase quantities result in economic prices and a high capital lockup, small purchase quantities stand for uneconomic prices and a small capital lockup. Another problem comes up if you aren’t able to quantify your demand for raw components, especially if your annual demand is constant and the monthly demand differs significantly.
We offer the customer service storage in the area of medium-term call-off contracts to solve these problems. If necessary, we’ll always store previously discussed quantities of raw components for you. This will compensate your differentiating demand. In addition you’ll get the best price conditions, because of the medium-term call-off contracts.